Clergy Notes — Sunday, April 8, 2018

What a week! People have been asking if I have recovered from Holy Week, and the answer is: “No! How can anyone ever recover from the revelation of Christ Risen from the dead!?”

It was a joy to walk through Holy Week in this community, welcoming newcomers and people who come to church only occasionally, as well as reconnecting with people we haven’t seen for a while and saying goodbye to ones we love. The holy drama of God’s love for God’s people continues.

This past Wednesday we trialed the first Wednesday of Open Church. What was that? Well, at 10:00 am the main doors to the church were opened for people to come in to pray, find some quiet, or simply admire the building. We met neighbours, people who work in the area and even some tourists. The Mass went ahead as normal at 12:10 pm, and by 2:00 pm when I shut the front doors, I had met 24 people who don’t normally come into the church simply because our doors are usually closed. What an encouraging sign!

The open doors completely change the posture of the whole building, and over time I hope that we will be able to have them open more often to allow people to come in and see what the Holy Spirit is up to. Isn’t it good to know that we do not have to do it all by ourselves?

One of the things I observed is that many people like to come in and just stand for a few moments to light a candle and be still. I think most people find a light in the darkness a comfort, and there is something about the flicker of a single flame that seems to hold us, and give a path to prayer and meditation.


Our open doors cast light into our neighbourhood, just one way we can be a beacon of light this Easter Season. I am currently surrounded by the twinkling reflective light of many foil egg wrappers on my desk.

See you soon!

Mother Lucy