Clergy Notes — Sunday, December 30, 2018

First, thank you to all those who worked hard in so many ways to prepare for and deliver our Christmas worship, enabling us to give worthy thanks and praise to God for the coming amongst us of the Word made flesh, Emmanuel, God-with-us.  It is with this confidence that God is indeed with us, reinforced, as Mother Lucy reminded us on Christmas Eve, by the angels’ repeated message, to the shepherds, to Mary, to Joseph, “Do not be afraid,” that despite the upheavals in the world around us we can look forward into 2019.  As we give thanks for the blessings of years past, we pray God’s blessing on the year to come.

At St. James’ we look forward to the completion early in the New Year of the renovation and refurbishment of the rectory.  Under the wise direction of the Renovation Committee and project manager Nancy Holme, Ratio Architecture and Scott Construction have transformed the space, in sympathy with its heritage character, into meeting and hospitality rooms, together with a new office suite.  This will provide a parish-hub, parish centre, easily accessible from Cordova Street.  Subject to the necessary permits, it is hoped that we shall move into the new centre towards the end of February.  Exciting times!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to one and all!

Every blessing,

Fr. Kevin