Clergy Notes — February 3, 2019

Wow what a great week we’ve just had!

Getting into the Parish Centre with all of you to look around at the Special vestry was fantastic. I don’t know about you, but I could feel the energy in the air, and it was wonderful and uplifting to hear people talking so enthusiastically about how the space could potentially be used.

On Sunday after Mass, I really enjoyed the newcomers lunch and Joyce’s lasagne! Thank you Joyce, and thank you to all who attended and who helped prepare and pack away.

Two meals, one weekend, and I learned that there is continued energy for the gospel and for ministry at St. James’. Our community is growing and we continue to welcome and invite people to join us.

This week we held Open Church for the first time on Monday and it went well. We are currently offering hot drinks for those who visit us during the cold winter days. The stories they share are all different and provide insight into what it is like to live and work in the down town Eastside.  Gradually we hear how we can continue to be part of the community and consider where the Spirit might be leading us? In light of the gospel what will our continued response be in the here and now?

I am sure there will be differences of opinion as to how the Parish Centre should be used and what we should do next in our ministries here. I am encouraged by the willingness I heard on the weekend to “live into the space.” I think the next few years at St. James’ will be exciting and hold a few surprises for us. We may have to take risks we didn’t expect, we may have to change in ways that don’t come easy to us, but I know we are up to the challenge and that with God all things are possible.

See you all soon, for whatever comes next.


Mother Lucy