Clergy Notes — Sunday March 24, 2019

Yes; I believe that the conception of Jesus was a moment when the creative action of God produced a reality as new in its way as the first moment of creation itself. And I believe that what opened the way for this was the work of God through human history over centuries, coming to its fullest moment in Mary’s consent to God’s call. The recognition of the uniqueness and newness of Jesus is a recognition of the absolute freedom of God to break the chains of cause and effect that lock us into our sins and failures; the virginal conception is an outward sign of this divine freedom to make new beginnings.

The Most Reverend and Right Hon. Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury

Of course. All teaching about Mary the Mother of God points us to the uniqueness of Jesus Christ. The miracle of his birth shows us that he is God-with-us. Jesus has only God as Father and Mary as Mother and in his birth we are adopted as children of the Father in the Holy Spirit. We look to Mary as a Mother who loves us.

His Eminence Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, former Archbishop of Westminster

Like Mary, we are all given the opportunity to say ”Yes” to Jesus. The incarnation of God in human flesh may be the greatest miracle of all. In no other religion that I am aware of, does God come down to our level, enter our realm in such a real way. We are not required to rise to a level where we are good enough for God, or where we have achieved enough merits to enter into God’ presence, we are only required to offer the fee gift of grace that enables us to say yes and follow Jesus on the path God lays before us.

See you soon, Mother Lucy