Clergy Notes — Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020
So Holy Week 2020 begins; it will be an observance unlike any of us can remember. We enter once again into the dramatic events of the last week of Jesus’ mortal life, and reflect on the mystery of his self-giving love, even to death on the cross, which in and through his resurrection renews us and all creation. We do so in the context of a world brought to a standstill and riven by fear, in the face of Covid-19. As we unite ourselves in prayer with Christ’s suffering, so he joins with us in the sufferings of 2020.
Yet even in this dark hour, there is some light and hope shining through. Observers tell us that there has already been a significant improvement in the sphere of climate change, air quality, animal and bird life. Many tell us that life will never be the same again, our whole way of being will change. Let’s pray this Holy Week and Easter that once the world is freed from this pandemic, we may all of us draw from this harrowing experience inspiration to commit to a new and better way of honouring the Creator who makes all things new, and the beautiful Creation.
Fr. Kevin
Details of St. James’ Holy Week Observances, and of the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday liturgies at Christ Church Cathedral are in the “Update: Holy Week” circulated on Thursday, and posted on the NEWS page of the St. James’ Website.
Here are links to two sets of Meditations on the Stations of the Cross, for personal reflection:
Here is the Liturgy at Home for this Sunday of the Passion:
Liturgy at Home for Palm Sunday
Earlier on Sunday morning Mother Liz Hamel, assisted by Fr Matthew Johnson, will celebrate Mass in the locked St. James’.
Palms will be blessed there, and made available in the fulness of time, when we return to public worship.