Clergy Notes — Corpus Christi, Sunday, June 14, 2020
The Archbishop has given permission for St. James’ to re-open for public worship on Sunday, June 21.
Until at least Labour Day the pattern will be:
9.00 am. — Said Service in church: initially Liturgy of the Word; when the Archbishop permits, Said Mass
10.30 am — Liturgy at Home via Zoom
Attendance in church is limited to 50 persons, so those intending to be present are requested to inform the Parish Office ([email protected], 604-685-2532) by 4:30 pm on Thursday of the previous week. Once 40 names are received, people will be advised that the church is full, as space needs to be left for “walk-ins.”
On Sundays, once 50 people are present, Narthex will request people to come the following week. We are also required to keep a contact list of attendees, in the event of the need for tracing.
Physical distance will be observed, and the pews marked accordingly. The wearing of masks will be strongly encouraged, and masks will be available. There will be no coffee hour. The Parish Centre washroom will be available for “emergency” use.
Our Sunday Zoom break-out groups on May 24 revealed a wide diversity of opinion and feeling about returning to church, all of which is equally valid and to be respected. No-one should feel under any obligation or pressure to return until they feel comfortable: that is why our Zoom worship will continue for the foreseeable future. The Trustees primary concern is for the health and well-being of our community, and we encourage everyone to exercise “an abundance of caution” as we prepare to meet together again. Remember too how important it is to stay at home if you have any of the Covid-19 symptoms.
During the week there will be no public worship in church at this stage. The Daily Office will be available on Zoom, but there will be no public celebration of the Daily Mass.
The Parish Office will continue to be closed to the public, except by appointment, with Clergy and Staff working mainly from home. Formation and other groups will continue to meet via Zoom for the time being.
Let’s continue to pray for one another as we journey through this time of pandemic.
In Christ,
Fr. Kevin
Download the booklet for Sunday, June 14: Liturgy at Home Corpus Christi June 14 2020 web