Clergy Notes — Sunday, July 12, 2020
It is hard to credit that 2020 is now over halfway through, and that here in BC, and indeed across the world, we have been experiencing Covid-19 safety measures for almost 4 months. As these measures begin to be relaxed, nonetheless we recognise the continued need for care and caution: washing hands, wearing masks at the least in confined places, keeping distance. For many people this raises stress levels; I am certainly finding it altogether wearisome and tiring. Like so many, I long for the time when we can come close to our friends and neighbours, for the comforting touch and the affirming hug. But for that we shall be waiting some considerable time.
Dr. Bonnie Henry’s words, “Be kind, be calm, be safe,” have become a well-worn mantra, calming and encouraging. This being kind, to oneself and to those around us, resonates powerfully at this time with Jesus’ Summary of the Law: “love your neighbour as yourself.” We wash our hands, wear our masks, keep our distance, not simply for our own protection, but for the safety and well-being of all whom we meet.
Let’s continue being kind to one another, offering practical assistance or a listening ear where it is needed. Let’s continue to support one another, our civic leaders and health professionals, our local communities, by our prayers. Let’s pray for grace to continue faithfully in our journey with and to Christ.
“Lord, in all our doings guide us,
pride and hate shall ne’er divide us.
We’ll go on with thee beside us;
and with joy we’ll persevere.”
Fr. Kevin
Download the service bulletin here: Liturgy at Home Pentecost 6 Sun July 12 2020