
Update: Liturgy at Home & Zoom for Sunday, July 12, 2020

Liturgy at Home Zoom Mass

10:30 am on Sunday, July 12, 2020


Zoom Meeting details:


Meeting ID: 937 1228 7368

Password: 368227

Phone number: 778-907-2071


Download the service booklet for here: Liturgy at Home Pentecost 6 Sun July 12 2020


About Zoom:

Zoom is a simplified video conferencing and messaging application that can be downloaded to any device: Apple computer, Windows PC, Android phones, IOS iPads and iPhones, and others.

To download a free version of Zoom onto your tablet/phone, go to your usual App Store and search for the free Zoom Cloud Meeting App. Get, and follow instructions. (NB. Do not get the Business version, for which there is a charge.)

To download a free version of Zoom onto your computer type “zoom app” into Google, or type “zoom.us” in the url bar. This will bring you to the Zoom home page.

Scroll down to the very bottom of the home page and look under DOWNLOAD.

There are several options: for a Mac or PC desktop computer click “Meetings Client”; for Apple device users see above, or, click “iPhone/iPad App” and for Android phones click “Android”.

You will be asked to set up an account by giving your name and email address.

For more detailed instruction click on SUPPORT in the very right upper corner of the home page. Then click on “Getting Started”.

When you have downloaded Zoom you can “Join a Meeting” [in this case the Mass] by clicking the Join icon.

Then type in the Meeting ID number and password, or call the phone number [above].