Clergy Notes — Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, August 30, 2020

Thank you to all those who have completed the Sunday Worship Survey: your responses will inform the Trustees as they plan for the months ahead. It will take a little while to reflect on the experience of the Said Mass and the Survey, so for the month of September we shall keep to the routine of 9:00 am Mass in church, and 10:30 am on ZOOM. From Sunday, September 13 there will be organ music at the 9:00 am Mass.


The two Sunday Masses thus far have gone well, even though they feel a little strange with the COVID-19 limitations. Attendance has been around 30. The ZOOM numbers have stayed fairly constant throughout the summer, vacations and good weather notwithstanding, with 50 – 60 people attending. The ZOOM Daily Office has a core group of 6 or so, with others joining in from time to time: please see details in the weekly Thurible. It is an active expression of our commitment to prayer, for the church, the world, and our neighbourhood. Plans are taking shape for a Formation series in the fall: more details soon. Fr. Matthew is engaging with the DTES community on the street. Trustees are grateful for people’s financial commitment to the parish: donations are coming in regularly via PAD, cheque or card. Thank you for your support in these challenging times.


These are all positive signs of the strength of the St. James’ community. Alongside us, the Saint James Music Academy is preparing for the new term, carefully following the Provincial guidelines. Watari continues to use the crypt kitchen twice weekly to provide meals for community distribution.


Please remember the Trustees in your prayers, that we may plan wisely and positively for the future.


Every blessing,

Fr. Kevin

Download the booklet for Sunday here: Liturgy at Home Pent 13 August 30 2020