Clergy Notes for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost — September 20, 2020

Thank you again to all those who responded to our recent Survey on Sunday Worship: there were 70 returns, which is impressive! Trustees have considered the feedback carefully, and have agreed the following Sunday pattern with effect from October 4, 2020:


9:00 am         Zoom Liturgy at Home

10:30 am       Sung Mass in Church


We realise that this was not an option offered in the Survey, but have reached this conclusion because a) in the light of the current Covid-19 constraints and surrounding uncertainty we cannot easily support two “in-person” services, and b) from the Survey it appears more would attend in person at 10:30 am. We hope to sustain this pattern until the end of the year, but we shall keep it under review.


The Zoom Liturgy will keep its current form. At the 10:30 am Mass there will be organ and some singing, initially by a single cantor. We hope it may be possible ere too long to have a quartet singing. It will be some considerable time before congregational singing is permitted. There will be limited if any ceremonial. As now, the congregation will be expected to wear masks, and to maintain physical distance. When numbers approach 50, it will be even more important for parishioners to register their attendance with the Parish Office, [email protected]


Trustees have taken note too of the encouraging number of responses to the open questions in the Survey, for which again thanks. We will bear these in mind as we move forward.


We recognise that this decision will not meet with universal approval, but respectfully request everyone’s patience and forbearance in these unsettled times. Our earnest hope is to sustain and develop the St. James’ sense of community, and through the continued offering of worship to offer “Benedictine” stability.


Every blessing,

Fr. Kevin

Download the Sunday service booklet here: Liturgy at Home Pent 16 Sept 20 2020