Clergy Notes — Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost, October 18, 2020
It has been refreshing and inspiring this week to attend (via Zoom) two Clergy Days offered by the Diocese: the Revd Dr Kathy Grieb, Meade Professor of Biblical Interpretation at Virginia Theological Seminary, gave an illuminating if whirlwind tour of the Gospel of Mark: Master of Surprise. The intention was to help us prepare for our preaching for the next liturgical year, beginning in Advent, when the Sunday Gospel readings will be drawn mainly from Mark.
One suggestion of Dr Grieb was to offer a read-through of the whole Gospel before Advent begins. Reading through Mark in one session will give us a sense of its urgency and immediacy: “Espresso Gospel” was a sobriquet coined in one of our sessions. Mark invites us to join the disciples in following Jesus through his ministry of healing and teaching, then up to Jerusalem, his passion, death and resurrection.
Whilst we will not be able to do this together in church under the current Covid restrictions, I would like to attempt it on Zoom. I understand it will take around two hours to complete. All are welcome to attend on Wednesday 25 November at 6.00 pm: please let the office ([email protected]) know if you are interested.
Like many others, I am sure, I have found Zoom a godsend these past six months. It can be tiring, of course, but it has enabled different communities, including ours at St. James’, families, workplaces and friends, to stay together. An unexpected bonus is that people at a distance from Vancouver, some familiar faces, others new, have been able to join in our Sunday worship. The Readers Guild would welcome more volunteers, especially those from further afield, for the Zoom Liturgy at Home: please email the office as above.
Every blessing,
Fr. Kevin
Download the service booklet here: Liturgy at Home Pent 21 Oct 25 2020