Clergy Notes — Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Nov. 15, 2020

José Luis, sacristan, server, and co-ordinator of the Zoom Daily Office, is in the process of discerning vocation to the priesthood. A parish discernment group, chaired by John Daniel, is working with him. This morning, as part of this process, José Luis will give the address in the liturgies. Please remember José Luis and the discernment group in your prayers over the coming months.

Trustees have decided that in the current Covid-19 pandemic it is more appropriate to have a low-key approach to Stewardship Renewal this year, recognizing the challenging circumstances in which we (but also the parish!) all find ourselves. I shall be sending out a letter with more detail in the coming week. Trustees are keen to renew their thanks to everyone for their continued generous giving to the parish in these difficult times.

As many of you are aware, our Liturgy at Home last Sunday had the distressing experience of a “Zoom-bomb”, which required us to close down the service. I am able to report that this week we have heightened our security settings, and have put steps in place to address this quickly should it happen again. It is helpful, I think, to remind ourselves that this is the first time anything untoward has happened in over seven months. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Every blessing,

Fr. Kevin

Download the service booklet for Sunday: Liturgy at Home Pent 24 Nov 15 2020