Clergy Notes for the Third Sunday after Epiphany–January 24, 2021
This is the Sunday in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, when across the world Christians give thanks for the common baptism we all share, our different theologies and traditions notwithstanding. Despite our manifold diversity, “We are the body of Christ. In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Let us then pursue all that makes for peace, and builds up our common life.”
The ecumenical movement of the past 100 years has seen the growth in co-operation between the churches at global, national, and local level. This has been evident in theological conversations, teasing out different emphases and perspectives; in shared worship; and in joint practical service and outreach. Whilst the goal of the mutual recognition of ordained ministries and sacraments is still some distance in the future, we rejoice in what Christians are able to do together in the service of God’s world. Here at St. James’ we have cause to give thanks for the many and diverse Christian communities which seek to bring the love of Christ to the Downtown Eastside in so many compassionate, practical ways: eg. food ministries, listening, counselling, and Fr. Matthew and Deacon Joyce in the Street Outreach Initiative.
Christ is our hope;
we give him glory for the great grace
by which upon the cross
he stretched out his hands in love to us all.
By that same grace may he come, our risen Saviour,
into every gesture of unity and fellowship
which we make toward one another,
and make the peace we share his peace. Amen.
Every blessing,
Fr. Kevin
Download the Sunday service booklet: Liturgy at Home Epiphany 3 Jan 24 2021