Clergy Notes — Second Sunday after Epiphany, January 17, 2021
On Saturday, January 23 at 11:00 am the Reverend John Stephens will be ordained and consecrated Bishop. Initially he will serve as Bishop Coadjutor, working alongside Archbishop Melissa until her retirement on 28 February. On that day Fr. John will be seated as the Tenth Bishop of New Westminster.
In the coming weeks we shall give thanks for Archbishop Melissa’s ministry amongst us these past seven years, and pray for Fr. John as he takes up his new responsibilities. We look forward to his first Episcopal Visitation to St. James’ when his calendar, and the pandemic, permit.
Please pray too for the Reverend Anna Greenwood-Lee, who will be ordained and consecrated Bishop of the Diocese of British Columbia on Saturday, January 30.
Almighty Father, fill John and Anna, your servants, with the grace and power which you gave to your apostles, that they may lead those committed to their charge in proclaiming the gospel of salvation. Through them increase your Church, renew its ministry, and unite its members in a holy fellowship of truth and love. Enable them as true shepherds to feed and govern your flock; make them wise as teachers, and steadfast as guardians of its faith and sacraments. Guide and direct them in presiding at the worship of your people. Give them humility, that they may use their authority to heal, not to hurt; to build up, not to destroy. Defend them from all evil, that, as rulers over your household and ambassadors for Christ, they may stand before you blameless, and finally, with all your servants, enter your eternal joy.
Accept our prayers, most merciful Father, through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and your Holy Spirit, belong glory and honour, worship and praise, now and for ever. Amen.
From the Ordination of a Bishop,
Book of Alternative Services, p 639
Every blessing, Fr. Kevin
Download the service booklet here: 2Liturgy at Home Epiphany 2 Jan 17 2021