Clergy Notes — Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, February 7, 2021

As you know, Archbishop Melissa retires at the end of the month, when Bishop John will be seated as the Tenth Bishop of New Westminster. On Thursday this week, 7:00 pm – 8:45 pm, there is an opportunity for everyone to join in an online Farewell Celebration. To register please go to News on the DoNW website. You will also be invited to sign a Farewell e-card. Please continue to remember Archbishop Melissa and Bishop John in your prayers in this time of transition.

The Annual Vestry Meeting will take place via Zoom on Saturday, February 27 at 10:30 am. The Zoom line will be open at 10.15 am. A separate email is being circulated with more details of how the meeting will work.

Registration: those intending to attend please register as soon as possible with the Parish Office ([email protected], 604-685-2532). Only Members of the Parish are entitled to vote at the Vestry: if you are unsure whether you are on the Roll, please contact the Office. It is not intended to print a large number of copies of the Annual Report: it will be available via online link the week before the meeting. Those unable to access the link, please contact the Office.

The Nominations Committee Report will be circulated by email, showing those posts up for election, and the Committee’s nominees. Further Nominations, with Proposer and Seconder, may be sent to the Office.

It will be helpful for any Motions and Questions to be sent to the Office during the week prior to the meeting.

Every blessing,

Fr. Kevin

Download the service booklet here: Liturgy at Home Epiphany 5 Feb 7 2021