Clergy Notes — Last Sunday after Epiphany, February 14, 2021
Lent begins this week: on Ash Wednesday there will be a Liturgy at Home via Zoom at 7.00 pm. Details will be circulated in the usual way.
As the customary Ashing will not be possible, we may wish to mark the day by another sign of penitence. Traditionally it is a day of fasting and abstinence, so one might deliberately omit or reduce the size of a meal, and refrain from eating meat. Almsgiving is another Lenten discipline, so it may be an occasion to make a charitable donation. Particular attention to our life of prayer is another aspect of Lent, so one might devote an extra 15 minutes to prayer or bible reading on Wednesday. Indeed, one might consider a pattern of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving for the whole of Lent.
Ash Wednesday itself focuses on penitence, acknowledging our sins, our need to repent and to be forgiven, and our mortality: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return. Turn away from sin, and be faithful to the Gospel.” The disciplines of Lent are a sign of that turning away, that continuing conversion: it is to be a time of growth in the Way of Christ. You will find details of Lenten opportunities in the Notice section of the bulletin.
Lent is an Anglo-Saxon word for spring; in our northern hemisphere nature encourages us at this time. Despite this sudden winter spell, spring is on the way: there are crocuses blooming by St. James’, and daffodils coming into flower in Stanley Park. Growth, new life; Lent leads to Holy Week and Easter. And in the darkness and isolation of this pandemic, the vaccine on the horizon gives hope of being able to come together again.
I wish you a Happy and Fruitful Lent.
Every blessing,
Fr. Kevin
[Download the Sunday service booklet here: Liturgy at Home Last Sunday Epiph Feb 14 2021
The Annual Vestry Meeting will take place via Zoom on Saturday 27 February at 10.30 am. The Zoom line will be open at 10.15 am. A separate email is being circulated with more details of how the meeting will work.
Registration: those intending to attend please register as soon as possible with the Parish Office ([email protected], 604-685-2532). Only Members of the Parish are entitled to vote at the Vestry: if you are unsure whether you are on the Roll, please contact the Office. It is not intended to print a large number of copies of the Annual Report: it will be available via online link the week before the meeting. Those unable to access the link, please contact the Office.
The Nominations Committee Report has been circulated by email, showing those posts up for election, and the Committee’s nominees. Further Nominations, with Proposer and Seconder, may be sent to the Office.
It will be helpful for any Motions and Questions to be sent to the Office during the week prior to the meeting.