Clergy Notes — Third Sunday in Lent, March 7, 2021

As a particular focus of Lent is a return to Prayer, I thought it might be helpful to remind ourselves of some different patterns of private prayer, drawn from the Church’s rich treasury.

Many find it helps to set aside a particular time for prayer each day, say 15 minutes initially. Find somewhere quiet, where you can be focussed and still. You may wish to light a candle, and to have a crucifix or an icon close by; if you are able, you may care to burn some incense. Spend the first few moments breathing carefully, laying aside the busy-ness and cares of the day, letting yourself come consciously into the presence of God.

Lectio divina, divine reading, is a pattern of meditating on a bible passage, allowing its message to take root in our heart.

First, choose a bible reading, perhaps the Gospel of the Mass of the day, which can be found in the Lectionary printed at the end of the Liturgy at Home bulletin. Then enter into the silence.

Read through the passage slowly, taking in the sense of what it is saying. Then reflect on it for two minutes or so.  Are there particular words or phrases which stand out for you?

Read through the passage and spend time in reflection again. Pause on the words or phrases that strike you, wondering what they may mean for you today.

Read through and reflect on the reading for the third time. Consider now how God is speaking to you in this passage, then respond back to God. You may want to consider how this passage may be prompting you to action, or to seeing life in relation to God and your neighbour differently.

Then rest before God in the silence.

Every blessing as we continue our journey through Lent together,

Fr. Kevin

Download the Sunday service booklet here: Liturgy at Home Lent 3 Mar 7 2021