Clergy Notes — Third Sunday of Easter, April 18, 2021
Alleluia, Christ is Risen!
You will be receiving this on Saturday, April 17, as the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh takes place at St .George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle. We have been remembering The Queen and the Royal Family in our prayers this week, commending Prince Philip to God’s safe-keeping. The bell of St. James’ has been tolled 99 times, in respect for the Duke.
Please follow this link to read our Primate’s Message of Condolence to The Queen.
You may wish to make use of the following prayer:
A Prayer of Thanksgiving for the life of The Duke of Edinburgh
God of eternal life and love
We give thanks today for the life and witness of Philip, Duke of Edinburgh,
For his service in pursuit of peace as a naval officer,
For his service to the Queen as a wise counsellor and companion,
For his commitment in marriage for over seventy years
in witness to mutual respect and love,
For his commitment to nurturing family and
guiding with wisdom their growth and development,
For his encouragement of young people around the world to skill development, physical health, adventure, and service through the Duke of Edinburgh Award,
For his care and advocacy for all of creation
For a life lived selflessly in service to others.
We remember with thanksgiving and commit him into Your keeping this day
in the sure and certain hope of resurrection to eternal life.
May he rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen.
Easter Blessings,
Fr. Kevin
Download the Sunday service booklet here: Liturgy at Home Easter 3 Sun April 18 2021