Clergy Notes — Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 9, 2021
Alleluia, Christ is Risen!
This Sixth Sunday of Easter is also known as Rogation (Asking) Sunday. Traditionally, it was the first of four days of prayer for the blessing of the crops and a good harvest. It has developed to include prayer for all engaged in the production and delivery of our food, and then again to prayer for care for the environment. You will note this when we come to the Prayers of the People in this week’s Liturgy at Home.
It is fitting that we welcome as our preacher today the Revd Laurel Dykstra, from the Salal+Cedar ministry in the diocese, whose particular charism is to encourage deeper reverence and care for God’s creation. At the 2019 Diocesan Synod youth delegates in particular spoke powerfully about the dangers of global warming, as Synod declared a Climate Emergency. At Synod next weekend there will be a motion to adopt a strategy for a Diocesan Response to this emergency. This includes an ethical investment policy, and the appointment of a staff member to work with parishes on environmental issues, eg. addressing carbon-footprint. There will be matters for us to consider at St. James’.
You may care this week to use this Rogation prayer by Canon Max Kramer of Canterbury Cathedral, England:
Lord, we pray for the fruitfulness of the earth. We give thanks for the beauty of creation and for its sustenance of life of all kinds, and we pray that in thankfulness for all the world gives us we may treat it with the respect and care it deserves.
God of plenty, who made the earth to yield its fruit in season and fashioned it with a beauty that inspires us all, help us to understand what is best for it, help us to commit to preserve it for our children and help us to nurture it, as it nurtures us, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Easter Blessings,
Fr. Kevin
Download the Sunday service booklet here: Liturgy at Home Easter 6 Sun May 9 2021