Clergy Notes — Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, July 11, 2021
Bishop John issued a Pastoral Letter on Wednesday with preliminary guidelines on the Re-Opening of Churches for Public Worship. The Bishop points out that “All of this brings enormous change in a very short time for all of us. While some are very eager to get back to ‘normal,’ others in our parishes are hesitant. I urge all of you to be aware of both views (and those in between), and be as pastoral and helpful as possible to bring comfort and confidence to those attending in-person worship. Some parishes (and other places of worship) are ready to move back into in-person worship with few restrictions in place. Others will need to take more time.”
From our Parish Conversation on May 29, and further observations I’ve received since, this reflects the breadth of opinion at St. James’. The Trustees intend to move forward as planned, keeping our Sunday worship at the 10:30 am Liturgy at Home via Zoom through to Sunday, August 29. Then, from Sunday, September 5, there will be Solemn Mass at 10:30 am in church, with music; Liturgy at Home will move to 9:00 am.
In addition, from July 17 there will be a said Mass in church on Saturdays at 4:00 pm, and from July 28 a said Mass in church on Wednesdays at 12:10 pm. There will be no need to register for these services; those who attend will be encouraged to wear masks as they arrive, and to respect others’ need for physical distance.
On Sunday, July 25, St. James’ Day, at 4:00 pm there will be Evensong & Benediction in church, with choral music.
Trustees will keep the situation under review as we move through the summer into the autumn. Let’s continue to pray that RestartBC progresses smoothly.
Every blessing,
Fr. Kevin
Download the Sunday service booklet here: Liturgy at Home Pentecost 7 July 11 2021