Clergy Notes — Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, July 4, 2021

Welcome formally to Mother Amanda, as she begins her time with us as Assistant Curate! Now that we re-open gradually, there will be more opportunities for her to meet and begin to know more parishioners. We have already benefited considerably from her ministry, and we look forward to seeing this develop and flourish.

The Province entered Phase 3 of RestartBC on 1 July, when various Public Health Orders were lifted, including those relating to public worship. However, Dr. Henry is soon to publish further advice and guidelines, on the basis of which the Bishop will issue new protocols for the diocese (please see his latest update on Trustees will continue to monitor the protocols and our current re-opening plan.

As you will know, Philip Green had been the Parish Envelope Secretary for very many years. Philip was renowned for his reliability and trustworthiness. The Wardens and I are now actively seeking a volunteer for this post. In the meantime, Andrew Campbell, Rector’s Warden, will monitor email at [email protected] and ensure current donations are recorded. Some parishioners may have received an email from Andrew using that address requesting information. Please reply by email, of, if you prefer, contact me on my cell 778-984-3208.

We shall take this opportunity to review the Envelope Secretary role, and our donation systems. It is planned to send out a more detailed letter later in the year. In the meantime, I reiterate our thanks to all who continue to give generously to support the ongoing worship and ministry of St. James’.

Every blessing,

Fr. Kevin

Download the Sunday service booklet here: FINAL Liturgy at Home Pentecost 6 July 4 2021