Clergy Notes — Baptism of the Lord, Sunday January 9 2022

As the Church’s celebration and proclamation of the Incarnation moves into Epiphanytide, there is a change in focus. Traditionally, and especially in the Eastern Orthodox tradition, three “Epiphanies”, revelations of who the Christ is, are set before us: the Visit of the Wise Men from the East, so his manifestation to the Gentiles, to all nations; his Baptism which we mark today, with the Spirit descending upon him, and the Father declaring “This is my Son, my Beloved”; and the Wedding at Cana, changing water into wine, a sign of the overflowing generosity of God, and Christ’s Lordship over the creation.


We give thanks that we have been given grace to recognise and welcome the Christ in these ways. The challenge then comes: how may we, the Church, bear witness to who Jesus is in our day and in these Covid times, to those amongst whom we live? And are our eyes open to recognise Christ’s presence in, around, and amongst us already?


Some good news: in the fall, the Communications Committee submitted an application for a Parish Development Grant from the Diocese, and our bid was successful! The intention is to make connections, develop community networks, across the wider parish, not only the DTES. To this end, events/activities are being planned over the coming year: watch this space . . . The aim again is to seek to reflect the light and love of Christ in our neighbourhood.


Epiphany Blessings,

Fr. Kevin

Download service booklet: Liturgy at Home Baptism of Lord January 9 2022