Clergy Notes — Second Sunday in Easter, April 24 2022
“Low Sunday,” being the close of the Easter Octave, was traditionally the day on which the newly baptized would lay aside their baptismal garments for the first time.
It is also the Sunday on which we hear in the Gospel reading, the story of “Doubting Thomas” and, subsequently, Jesus telling his disciples that those who do not see and yet believe, will be blessed.
Both of these are significant for us today, for many of us renewed our baptismal vows a week ago – professing a faith in Jesus whom we do not see and yet, in whom we believe.
But I have often felt compassion towards Thomas, for who amongst us would not take the opportunity to “test our faith” as it were, by touching the wounds in Jesus’ side if he were to miraculously appear and join us for supper? Does this mean that our faith is lacking? Certainly not! For indeed, if that were so, Jesus would not have invited Thomas to touch him. He knows that as different as we are, there are different ways in which we will recognize him as our Lord. For Mary Magdalene, it was Jesus’ voice calling her name; for those on the Emmaus road it was in the opening of Scriptures and the breaking of bread; and for Thomas it was touch . . . for each of us, there are ways in which the Lord knows we need to be comforted and assured, as we work out our salvation in a world which delights in telling us we are mad to do so.
And so, dear friends in Christ, as we shed our baptismal garments and begin anew the Christian journey, let us with the fresh and innocent eyes of the newly-baptized look for the ways in which Jesus is always revealing himself to us, so that through believing, we may have life in his name and share that life with others in our troubled and skeptical world.
Mother Amanda
Download the service booklet: Liturgy at Home Easter 2 Sunday April 24 2022.