Clergy Notes — Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 22 2022
In earlier times this Sunday of Eastertide was known as Rogation (“asking”, from the Latin rogare) Sunday. In the northern hemisphere it is (or should be!) springtime when the first crops in the fields are beginning to sprout, so this was the first of four days of prayer for God’s blessing on farmland and agricultural labour. We should do well, this year especially, to pray for our BC farmers in the Fraser Valley!
As we experience around us the increasing effects of climate change, the dramatic extremes of weather and their impact in fire and flood, this may be an appropriate time to renew our prayer for more careful stewardship of the whole of creation: see this week’s Reflection.
Prayer too should prompt us to action, in our personal lives and as community. Last year’s Diocesan Synod passed a resolution to encourage and support parishes in developing a Climate Emergency Response as an integral part of our mission. At St. James’ we continue to support the ministry of Salal+Cedar, whose priest, the Revd Laurel Dykstra, preaches for us each year, but we have not had any in-depth conversation on this topic recently. If anyone has an interest in exploring this further, please let me know.
Easter Blessings,
Fr. Kevin
Download the Sunday service booklet here: Liturgy at Home Easter 6 Sunday May 22 2022