Clergy Notes — Pentecost 11, Sunday August 21, 2022
Summer is flying by, so now it is time to set out our program for the fall. We hope to open up more fully in the coming months, Covid-19 permitting.
The Daily Mass has been at the heart of St James’ worship and ministry from the foundation of the parish, bringing to the altar day by day thanksgiving and prayer for the church and for the world. We celebrate each day the mystery of the love of God in the creation and redemption of the world in our Lord Jesus Christ, drawing life and strength from the sacrament to go out, live, and love for him in the world.
Week beginning 11 September we shall reinstitute the Daily Mass: Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 12.10 pm; Tuesday & Thursday at 9.30 am. It would be good if those who are able would consider the possibility of attending one Mass in the week, to sustain this regular rhythm of public worship.
Mother Amanda and Leah are planning Formation sessions, the first a series on Creation, and also a regular Bible Study. On Saturday 1 October there will be an eco-pilgrimage around the parish on foot. On Saturday 15 October there will be the diocesan Mission & Ministry Conference. Further details of all these will be published shortly.
Later in September we plan to have a meeting for any interested in re-starting Open Church, having the church open to the community for two to three hours each week.
The Saturday Vigil Mass, and Sunday Zoom and Solemn Mass will continue as at present. For the time being Morning and Evening Prayer will remain on Zoom.
The Lord bless us and keep us, as we journey on together.
Fr Kevin
Download the service booklet here: Liturgy at Home – Pentecost 11 – Sunday August 21, 2022