Clergy Notes — Pentecost 16: Sunday September 25, 2022

This week marked the second week of the return to Daily Mass and our Season of Creation formation series, as well as the first St. James’ bible study since before the pandemic. Beginnings are wonderful and it is so good to be doing these things together.


And yet as we return to other things suspended during the pandemic, we may notice that our time and energy is spent much differently than it has been for the past few years. As we move through these changes, it will become so important for us to reflect on what is working for us and what no longer serves.


Bearing in mind that our individual lives and our lives as a body are intertwined, I invite you (as you feel comfortable), to share feedback with your clergy team or parish leaders on how things are going for you and what you notice. What are you finding nourishing? What are you missing? In this new normal” what makes you excited about how the church is responding? What might we need to respond to differently?


The Body of Christ needs all its members — all are valuable and all have things to contribute which no one else can. My prayer for now and for the future of the Church is that we will be better at listening to what the Spirit is saying to us — the Church — and grow faithfully together into the new creation God is calling us to be.


Mother Amanda

View Sunday service booklet Liturgy at Home Pentecost 16 September 25 2022.