Clergy Notes — Pentecost 22 Sunday Nov. 6 2022

This Sunday we welcome as our preacher Fr. Douglas Fenton, a regular worshipper at St. James’. Fr Douglas was a member of the diocesan party which with Bishop John visited recently our partner diocese of Northern Philippines for the consecration of its new Bishop. We pray for Bishop Benny and his diocese on Sundays, and on Wednesdays also for our partner parish of St. Benedict, Kiniway. Fr. Douglas visited St. Benedict’s, and was able to deliver our greetings to Padi Princel Balitog and the people there. We hope to establish a “link person” with St. Benedict’s, to share news and prayers. The church there was badly damaged in the recent earthquake: it may be that via our Outreach Committee we can offer some support. For those who use Facebook, here is a link to St. Benedict’s:

We are now in our Stewardship Season, with the theme this year “Together for Joy.” Those on the Parish Membership Roll should have received a mailing this week, with a prayer and a pledge card. Please take some time to reflect and to give thanks for all the blessings you enjoy, and to review your stewardship of these precious gifts, your offering of time, talents, and giving, in thanksgiving and service. You are invited to return pledge cards, and Credit Card/PAD forms, by mail or in person, by Sunday, November 20, the Feast of the Reign of Christ the King.

Membership Forms are available at the back of church, or from [email protected].

If you have not received a mailing, and would like one, please email the office.

Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvellous things!

Every blessing,

Fr. Kevin

Download Sunday booklet here: Liturgy at Home Pentecost 22 November 6 2022