Clergy Notes — Reign of Christ the King, November 20 2022
This Sunday, the last of the Church’s year, we celebrate the Feast of the Reign of Christ the King. The Church believes that the Risen & Ascended Christ reigns now in heaven, having won his victory over sin and death. Yet as we look around us, as we read the news day by day, we see clearly that God’s kingdom, God’s reign, of right-relationship, love, peace, is yet to come here on earth, as it already is in heaven.
This Feast then invites us both to look forward in hope to the fulness of the kingdom, and, encouraged by that vision, to renew our commitment to live, work, and pray for the coming of that kingdom here amongst us today. In Jesus we see kingdom values lived to the full, in his closeness to God his Father, in his teaching on justice, peace, forgiveness, in his healing, in his self-giving love and service, even to his death on the cross. As the Body of Christ, let us pray for grace to reflect his life and his love, to be signs of the coming of the kingdom, now, today.
Every blessing,
Fr. Kevin Hunt
Download the Sunday service booklet here:Liturgy at Home Pentecost 24 RCK November 20 2022