Clergy Notes — First Sunday of Lent, February 26 2023

The Annual Vestry Report is worth a read (see here): it presents an overview of the life of the parish, with its wide range of ministry, worship, and service. It is encouraging to discover everything that is happening, as we move forward out of the pandemic.

There is so much for which to give thanks to God: that we now have two strong worshipping communities, one in church, one online; that the Daily Mass is offered once again, a hallmark of St. James’; that there are new as well as familiar faces around; that there are regular Formation and Bible Study groups; that the Street Outreach Team continues its pastoral care and service in the DTES; that during the constraints of the pandemic people have continued to give generously; that our buildings are used in partnership for the wider community by Saint James Music Academy and Watari; that the Music Series is being relaunched so successfully; that we are exploring ways of reaching out into the wider neighbourhood of our parish; that we are planning a program of redecoration and “refreshment” of the church, to fit it for purpose in its second century.

We owe our thanks to all those who work so hard, in so many ways, to make this possible. However, we need to note too, with respect, that the age profile of our Guilds and Ministries is increasing, and numbers of volunteers are diminishing. There is an urgent need for new people to undertake some of this work. This is so across the board, but the Sanctuary, Servers, and Narthex Guilds are in a critical place.

Please find to time to consider whether you may be able to offer some time each month, “to keep the show on the road.” If you would like to know more about one of the Guilds or Ministries, do ask one of the clergy. “Your Church needs You!”

Every blessing,

Fr. Kevin


Download Sunday service booklet: Liturgy at Home Lent 1 February 26 2023