Clergy Notes — Third Sunday of Lent, March 12, 2023
Leah Postman led the Mothers’ Union Quiet Morning last weekend at St Anselm’s Anglican Church out at UBC, a delightful location. We were just short of 20, from St James’ and from the MU Branch at St Mary’s, South Hill. Leah, inspired by the Lent program of the Society of St John the Evangelist, Cambridge, Massachusetts, encouraged us to reflect on the Lord’s Prayer.
We use this prayer so frequently that sometimes it rattles off our lips without our even thinking about what we are saying. Yet for the Christian it is the prayer of all prayers, the prayer which Jesus gave us, and one which is simple yet profound, rich in meaning.
We were asked to focus particularly on two short phrases: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name’ and ‘Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.’ We spent some 20-30 minutes in silence on each phrase, some of us in church, some colouring or drawing, some journaling. Then there was an opportunity for those who wished to share their reflections. That was a moving conversation.
Stealing from Leah, I invite you this week to find 30 minutes or an hour to be still, and to mull over the Lord’s Prayer slowly, phrase by phrase. What strikes you particularly? What have you never noticed or thought about before? Allow yourself to be drawn more deeply into Our Father’s love.
You may find it helpful to go to the SSJE website,, where there are some interesting reflections and resources around this foundational prayer.
With the disciples this Lent let us to come to Jesus: ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’