Clergy Notes — Third Sunday After Pentecost, June 18, 2023
As I look back over the first half of the year, there is much for which to be thankful at St James’. I sense there is a growing confidence as we continue to move on from the constraints of the lockdown.
The Zoom Liturgy at Home is a community in its own right. A small but faithful group maintains the rhythm of the Daily Office. Mass is celebrated daily once again, a traditional hallmark of St James’. The Sunday Mass attendance is growing, slowly but surely, with several new faces. The choir is in splendid form. It was very good to have Bishop John with us on Pentecost, and to have five members confirmed.
Father Matthew and the Street Outreach Team are much in evidence in the neighbourhood, ambassadors of Christ’s loving presence. Mother Amanda supports a lively Bible Study on Wednesdays. We are delighted that she will be remaining as a member of the Clergy Team now that her curacy (training post) is completed. The Music Series is up and running once more: a number of events have already taken place, and more are planned. It is good to open the church to the wider community.
The Wardens and Trustees continue their planning to equip the church buildings for their second century: works will be required on the roofs; permanent gates for the front steps; upgrade on the hall fire alarm system; redecoration of the interior; replacing the pews with chairs, allowing more flexible use of space; enhanced lighting; improvements to the organ. An energy audit has been commissioned, to help us become more eco-friendly. It is hoped to have a Vision Plan for discussion at Parish Council and Vestry later in the year.
So, much happening and much thanksgiving.
Let us bless the Lord!
Every blessing,
Fr Kevin
Download the Liturgy at Home booklet for Sunday, June 18, 2023.