Clergy Notes — All Saints’ Sunday, November 5, 2023
All Saints-tide: what a wonderful Feast for Baptism! It is with great joy that this Sunday we baptize baby Henry into the Body of Christ, and welcome him into God’s family, here at St. James’ and throughout all time and space.
At All Saints’ we are reminded of our fellowship with those who have gone before us, who surround us still with their love and prayers. We are one with them through our baptism. As were the saints in their day, so we in ours are called to live out our baptismal covenant.
In the Baptism Liturgy we are all invited to join with Henry’s parents and sponsors in renewing our commitment:
- To faith in God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
- To continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and the prayers;
- To resist evil, and when we fall, to repent;
- To proclaim the good news of God in Christ by what we say and what we do;
- To seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbour as ourselves;
- To strive for justice and peace, and to respect the dignity of all;
- To strive to safeguard the integrity of God’s creation, and respect, sustain and renew the life of the earth.
Our Stewardship Season also encourages us to reflect on our Christian discipleship, how we follow in the Way of Jesus. In the light of our baptismal covenant, how best might we offer of ourselves, our time, talents, and resources, in thanksgiving for the ever-bountiful generosity of our Creator God revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Every blessing,
Fr Kevin
Download the Liturgy at Home booklet for Sunday, November 5, 2023.