Clergy Notes — Corpus Christi, June 2, 2024
The celebration of Corpus et Sanguis Christi is a celebration of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist; in a manner, an extension of that celebration begun on Maundy Thursday. Due to the solemn nature of Holy Week, there is at that time, some degree of limitation to the expression of joy which we are able to offer.
Yet, as St Jean Vianney once said, “If we truly understood the Mass, we would die of joy.”
So, then, we keep the feast of Corpus et Sanguis Christi in June in order to afford it the fulness of joy which it deserves.
The extent to which we comprehend God’s self-giving nature in the gift of the sacraments – especially in the body and blood of Christ – is of course limited to our human comprehension. Yet, the sacraments (paradoxically) also encapsulate within them a perpetual mystery which continues to draw us in more and more.
We can benefit from the sacraments without fully understanding them, but we must always continue to adore the One who gives us the gift which we will never fully comprehend.
The reason for our adoration is indeed also the mystery. God becomes flesh – self-emptying, self-giving – in order that we – mere creatures – may learn more fully how to love as God loves.
And, it is only in being fed by the sacraments that we are empowered to do just that.
So, we adore the God who comes to us in the lowly form of bread and wine, and marvel that in such lowly objects we may be transformed into the very body of Christ who goes forth from the liturgy to feed the world with the love that only God can love, and is yet delivered in human form; in each and every one of us.
Mother Amanda
Download the Liturgy at Home booklet for Sunday, June 2, 2024.