Clergy Notes — Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, November 17, 2024
This is the season of stewardship, when we are all challenged to make a prayerful and careful decision about our support for the work of the church. We need, as good disciples, to make a proportion of our time, talents and treasure available for the building of the Kingdom of God.
I have three reasons why I made St. James’ my spiritual home after my retirement from stipendiary ministry.
The first is that we have the right balance of worship and outreach. The beauty of our liturgy, with the excellent music, fine vestments and a great attention to detail, empowers us to respect and serve the homeless, hungry and marginalized. As the famous Anglo-Catholic Bishop Frank Weston said, “It is madness to think that you can adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament if you do not minister to Him in the poor and powerless.”
The second is that we have a number of opportunities to worship together outside of the Sunday mass. A low mass is celebrated every day (including Saturday) and whilst the clergy are never left alone, there is always plenty of space for new people to join in. And we have morning and evening prayer regularly via Zoom. Without leaving home, we can “tune in” to the never ceasing prayer offered in Heaven. There is also the service of Compline on Friday nights – but 9pm is past my bedtime!!
Thirdly, I love the enormous diversity of our congregation. And the fact that everybody whatever their appearance, race or social standing receives the same warm welcome. It is so poignant when I watch the numbers of men and women line up for Holy Communion. In God’s eyes, we are all the same – a sinner who is forgiven – and we all receive nothing more and nothing less than the Body and Blood of Christ.
All three are only made possible by the commitment of membership.
Fr. Neil G.