Clergy Notes — Third Sunday of Advent, December 15, 2024
Even the most casual observer could not fail to miss the change in the colour of the eucharistic vestments at mass this morning. Instead of the usual purple, the clergy are decked out in a very orchidaceous shade of rose pink. This Sunday is known as “Gaudete” Sunday – taking the name from the opening words of the traditional introit antiphon for this day, “Rejoice in the Lord always”. The colour scheme is reinforced by the Advent candles; the first, second and fourth are purple, but today we light the pink one.
During these four weeks we exercise restraint as we prepare to welcome Jesus. We prepare ourselves to greet him when he comes as the Babe of Bethlehem and then to stand before when he appears as our judge. Today represents a lessening of that restraint. The season of Lent has a similar Sunday, when “Laetare” Sunday allows for a slight reduction of the fasting and self-denial.
I also like to think of Gaudete Sunday in another way. Everything that we do in church is done in the light of the Resurrection. Our cornerstone belief that nothing, not even hideous suffering and painful death, can overcome or destroy the God’s power of life-giving love made visible in Jesus of Nazareth. Our liturgies should make it clear that JOY is able to break through into our lives whatever happens. Think about it – even on the darkest day of the year, Good Friday, in a church stipped bare and with no music we still pray these words
Things that were cast down are being raised up,
Things that had grown old are being made new,
And all things are being brought to their perfection.
Let today’s celebration of joy enable us to be raised up, be renewed and be brought to our perfection.
Fr Neil G.