On Sunday, 16 October at 4:00pm, there will be a Solemn Evensong at St James’ Anglican Church (303 East Cordova St.) in remembrance of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.
Preacher:  The Very Revd Peter Elliott
Collegium Regale – Howells
Evening Hymn – Gardiner
Song for Athene – Tavener
No registration required. All are welcome.

Last Saturday at 4:00pm, we held our first in-person Mass in the church in a long while. We had a turnout of about 26 people, and it was wonderful to worship together. If you missed it, no worries! There will continue to be a weekly said Vigil Mass at 4:00pm in the church each Saturday. No registration is necessary, but masks are encouraged, as will be keeping physical distance once inside.

Please also mark Saturday, August 14 on your calendars: on this day there will be a Solemn Mass with choral music. Mother Amanda will preside for the first time with a congregation, to inaugurate her priestly ministry amongst us. You are warmly invited to join in this celebration!