Censing-the-altar-by-Sean-Birch-July-22-2012 (1)-min-2

Today’s Gospel is another example of Jesus’ ministry making visible the outrageously generous love of God. A couple of weeks ago we heard how the host at a wedding reception was saved from social disgrace by the transformation of water into wine – to be precise an incredible amount of top quality vino.

Now we hear about how Jesus addressed the frustration of Peter and his fellow fishermen. Apparently, even after a night of heavy toil, they had caught nothing worth mentioning. He suggests that they try once more, maybe in the deep water. The results are amazing. The nets are not able to contain the huge catch without starting to tear. Once the boats are loaded, they are in danger of sinking. What a picture Luke paints!

The rest of the passage shows how we are encouraged to respond to such expressions of God’s great generosity. This begins with an acknowledgement of our own inadequacy and shortcomings. “Our misusings of God’s grace, our prayer so languid and our faith so dim”, as the old hymn puts it. Peter says, “Depart from me, Lord, because I am a sinful person”. But it cannot not stop there. Repentance must lead to action. We are challenged to accept Jesus’ invitation to self-denial and an active engagement with the church’s mission.

Jesus’ metaphor of fishing for people is an appropriate one. Anyone who has tried this activity will know that it takes preparation, dexterity, skill and patience. Sometimes the results of our missionary zeal will be as disappointing as the first part of today’s story and sometimes, with God’s help, we will be wonderfully surprised at what happens.

Fr. Neil G.

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