Today we hear about Jesus’ first miracle. At a wedding reception in Cana of Galilee, he saved the host from social disgrace by changing water into wine. John tells us that there […]
Liturgy at Home Zoom Mass Details To receive the St. James’ Liturgy at Home directly to your inbox each week, click here and subscribe to The Thurible! Meeting ID: 892 […]
Solemn Mass at St. James’ Anglican Church this Sunday begins at 10:30 am and will feature the following music: Setting: Missa brevis no. 1 – Healey Willan Motet: Christ, whose […]
Baptism is always a joyous celebration, because—like the birth of a new baby—it enriches the family of Christ and brings new hope. It is also an opportunity to renew our […]
Liturgy at Home Zoom Mass Details To receive the St. James’ Liturgy at Home directly to your inbox each week, click here and subscribe to The Thurible! Meeting ID: 898 […]
Bishop John Stephens Elected Metropolitan of BC and Yukon
With his election as Metropolitan, Bishop Stephens becomes Archbishop. He remains the head of the Diocese of New Westminster and in addition to his duties is responsible for the Ecclesiastical Province of BC and Yukon. His title is now Archbishop and is referred to as the Most Rev. John Stephens.
Archbishop John Stephens
“it was a privilege for me to chair the electoral synod for the position of Metropolitan in the ecclesiastical province of BC-Yukon today. Warmest congratulations to Archbishop John Stephens on his election as the Metropolitan. I look forward to working with you in the days ahead and assure you of my support and prayers as you assume the mantle of leadership at what is a difficult time for you personally. The Province of BC-Yukon also remains in my prayers in this time of transition and change.
I would like to extend my deepest thanks to Bishop Lynne McNaughton for her leadership as the former Metropolitan, and to Bishop David Lehmann for his leadership in the interim period. We have been blessed by your wise, generous and faithful service for the building up of the church of God in BC-Yukon and more widely in the Anglican Church of Canada for the common good.
This election is not just about the selection of an individual—it is about strengthening our collective commitment to leadership, collaboration, and the growth of our beloved church. Each of us plays a vital role in upholding the values that define us as Anglican Christians as we deepen our lives in Christ.”