The opportunity to donate flowers for the High Altar is available most Sundays, to honour a loved one or to give thanks.
To make a flower dedication, please use the form below to submit your dedication to the Parish Office and make your donation by credit card. If you prefer to pay by cheque, you may instead mail payment well in advance to the Parish Office with your dedication and preferred date included. The minimum donation for High Altar flowers is $80, with an additional $50 if you would also like flowers in the Lady Chapel. Church flowers at St. James’ are arranged by the skilled volunteers of the Flower Guild.
Note: Dedications received too late to appear in the Mass booklet or for a Sunday when flower dedications are not permitted will appear the next available Sunday. Refer to the dedication chart in the Narthex to choose your date and to ascertain when flowers are not permitted. For more information, please contact the Parish Office at [email protected].