Worship at St. James’

We warmly invite all who are able to join us, in person or online. Please note that weekday Mass is not held on holiday Mondays and the Tuesday after.


Saturday           4.00 pm:  Vigil Mass in church

Sunday              9.00 am:  Liturgy at Home via Zoom

                         10.30 am: Solemn Mass in church

The Zoom Meeting ID Number and phone-in number will be published weekly in the NEWS page of this website and in The Thurible.

Weekday Mass in church       

                          12.10 pm: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

                          9.30 am:   Tuesday, Thursday

The Daily Office

The Daily Office continues to be said at 9 am and 5 pm, online via Zoom. Compline is said every Friday night at 9 pm online via Zoom.

Details are published in the Thurible, or contact the office at [email protected] or 604-685-2532.

The Holy Rosary

The Holy Rosary is said on the last Saturday of each month at 10:30am, online via Zoom.

The Parish Intercession Lists are being kept up to date and prayed daily. Please direct any prayer requests to the Parish Office: [email protected] or 604-685-2532.
