Clergy Notes — February 2, 2025
The reflection I chose this week, from theologian Karl Rahner, is quoted by Kathleen Norris as she writes about visiting a community of Benedictines. She is struck by how they – like Rahner – do not loudly proclaim themselves to be experts in Christianity. Rather, she says, they remind her of Jesus’ disciples in that they are not afraid to ask for help; to admit their doubts and their needs: “Lord, teach us to pray,” … “Lord, increase my faith.”
Perhaps this is because the Rule of St Benedict – a rule which Benedictines follow as a roadmap of discipleship their whole lives – closes with this simple modest phrase, “Whoever, therefore, thou art that hasteneth to thy heavenly country, fulfil first of all by the help of Christ this little Rule for beginners.”
Whether we are brand new to the faith, or have spent a lifetime in Christ’s service – we are ALL beginners. Having this before us keeps us humble and always seeking God’s guidance, teaching, direction, and wisdom. It is only when we begin to think there is nothing new to learn that we wander from the Way.
Candlemas is a time when we celebrate the revelation to Simeon, who proclaims that the child Jesus is the light of the world: a light to lighten the Gentiles. This is also why we bless candles – which represent the light of Christ… the light whom we look to for guidance, teaching, direction, and wisdom.
May we always have a beginner’s mind in our discipleship, and never be afraid to ask for help; to admit our doubts and our needs: “Lord, teach us to pray,” … “Lord, increase my faith.”
Mother Amanda