The Annual Meeting of the Vestry of St. James Parish of Vancouver BC shall be held on Saturday, February 25, 2023 commencing at 10:30 am via ZOOM video conferencing. The ZOOM meeting will open at 10:15 am.

The meeting purpose, without limitation, includes receiving 2022 Annual Reports, approving accounts and budgets, and electing Officers, Trustees (who also serve as Synod Delegates), Alternate Delegates to Synod, a Youth Delegate to Synod and Alternate.

Dated February 5, 2023

The Venerable Kevin Hunt

Rector, St. James Parish of Vancouver BC


Members of the Parish intending to be present are requested to register with the Parish Office ([email protected], 604-685-2532). Only Members of the Parish are entitled to vote: if uncertain of your membership status, please contact the Office.

A virtual link to a copy of the Annual Reports will be circulated a week before the meeting. It is not intended to print a large number of copies. If you are unable to access the online document, again, please contact the Office.

The Nominations Committee Notice, detailing those continuing in office, positions vacant, and the Committee’s Nominees, may be found here: Nominations doc 2023


Further nominations may then be sent to the Office by email, with names of Nominee, Proposer and Seconder.

Motions and Questions may be sent to the Office during the week prior to the meeting.


3:40 pm on Saturday, August 14: Prior to the 4:00 pm Solemn Mass, carillonneur Jon Lehrer will be presenting a brief recital on Marian themes on St. James’ 8-bell chime, playing from the mechanical keyboard in the tower. The winner of many international competitions for carillon, Jon began his studies at Yale University in 2000, and graduated in 2008 with distinction from the Belgian Royal Carillon School. The recital will be heard best from outside the church, on the sidewalks or the front steps. Here is the program:

1) Marian Carols:

Lo How a Rose e’er Blooming – trad. German

Gabriel’s Message – trad. Basque

2) Marian Chants:

Salve Regina

Ave Maris Stella

3) Songs of Praise:

Amazing Grace – trad. English

Hallelujah – Leonard Cohen (1934-2016)

then . . .


4:00 pm on Saturday, August 14: Solemn Mass in church, to welcome the priestly ministry of Mother Amanda amongst us.
