Clergy Notes — Sunday, January 27, 2019

A week ago last Thursday a group of us went to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank to sort food and learn about the ways the Food Bank serves the people of Vancouver. We learned that 27,000 people rely on food from them each week and the warehouse where the food is received and sorted was massive.

It was an initiative that came out of the Thursday night study group, and others I invited along the way, who I thought might be interested in coming along. It was a one-off booked slot, but it could be something that groups from St. James’ do more regularly. The group that went enjoyed the work immensely and we had a hot drink together afterwards before heading home.

One of the things I learned was that although the warehouse is well stocked now, the summer months can be very tough as people are not donating in the same volume as they do during the winter months.

Based on the enthusiasm of the group who went, feedback received online and from the staff at the Food Bank, I believe this creates an opportunity for us at St. James’ to contribute to those in need in our neighbourhood and beyond, by holding a food drive during June and July. You will be able to choose to fill a box, or donate to a box here in the church with individual items.

So, we’re going to go for it! I will be getting supplies and boxes from the Food Bank for us to fill and Tara and I are committed to filling a box each to get us started! Look out for more news on that as time goes on!

In the mean time I look forward to having lunch with you all at the Parish Council this Saturday and again with attendees and newcomers on Sunday after High Mass.

See you very soon,

Mother Lucy