Clergy Notes — Sunday, June 9, 2019

This week I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about baptism.

Some of us were baptised as infants, some choose baptism as adults, but what is it? Baptism is a promise, a commitment to a life obedient to God and a proclamation of belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. In baptism we actively turn away from sin, and make a conscious commitment to living the Jesus way.

In the movie The Matrix (1999) Morpheus tells Neo the protagonist, “unfortunately no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.”

Baptism and a life with Jesus is like this. It can never be fully explained. You can’t be told what it is. We do our best to interpret and figure out what it is meant to be, but at the end of the day, we have to jump in and see it for ourselves, through worship, prayer, and life together.

In baptism we receive more than we can ask or imagine, but we have to remain open to the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the call of Jesus, each of us bringing our gifts to the church.

My prayer for us here at St. James’ is that we would all become part of a small group where we can study and feast on the word of God together, and grow in faith and community. I pray that each of us will be open to our gifts and put them to use in God’s service. Baptism, salvation and the love of God are freely given gifts that require us to respond actively, joyfully and with thanksgiving. My hope is that each of us will take on one act of service here at St. James’, according to our gifts. All of us have something to offer, and many are carrying loads that could be shared ministries

Ask yourself, what are your gifts? What could you do to serve in God’s church? Not sure? Think you don’t have time? Not true. I guarantee that in finding one way to serve here in this place, you will receive more than you can ask or imagine in return.

Think about it and come speak to your clergy team about it.

See you soon,

Mother Lucy